Lorraine Heath

Lorraine Heath

Lorraine Heath

Lorraine Heath

Lorraine Heath

Lorraine Heath

Deputy Principal Curriculum, Performance and Innovation

Lorraine joined BCoT in 1997 working in corporate services then qualified as a teacher in 2001. Lorraine worked in a variety of teaching and curriculum management roles before taking on responsibility for apprenticeships and employer engagement in 2011; key priorities for the college.

As Deputy Principal for Business, Lorraine was instrumental in expanding the range of apprenticeships offered at the college and has overseen significant growth in the number of learners and employers engaging in apprenticeship programmes.

In May 2019, Lorraine was named Deputy Principal, Curriculum, Performance and Innovation.

Lorraine also worked for Ofsted for over 5 years, on a part time basis, inspecting colleges and training providers and is a governor at The Hurst Community College in Tadley.

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Worting Road
RG21 8TN

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© 2023 Basingstoke College of Technology, Worting Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 8TN.