BCoT boasts impressive end of year pass rate

The College has achieved an impressive 97.6% pass rate across all our full-time Level 3 courses.

Staff and students at Basingstoke College of Technology have good cause for celebration as the college has this year achieved a 97.6% pass rate across all of their full-time Level 3 courses, after a tumultuous and challenging academic year that has been heavily-disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

After an initial delay from the awarding organisations to release the results last week, students from BCoT have started to receive their provisional results over the last week, although the results remain subject to awarding organisation final confirmation.

After passing her Level 3 Early Years at BCoT, student Emily Lawrence has been offered a place at Norland College this September, a prestigious university in Bath specialising in early years education. Upon receiving her impressive A* results, Emily, who worked as a student rep alongside her studies said: “I’ve always wanted to work with children and BCoT provided me with a variety of experiences in children’s development and learning which enabled me to achieve my dream of being accepted into Norland College!”

Emily, who celebrated her results at a restaurant near Norland with her family, had undertaken work experience alongside her studies and was even offered a job at a local nursery. “I worked extremely hard to achieve my result with the help of my lecturers who helped guide me through and taught lessons in a fun and interesting way!”

Anthony Bravo, Principal of BCoT, said: “I would like to congratulate all of our fantastic students and everyone throughout the College on achieving these impressive results. To achieve a pass rate of 97.6% in what has been incredibly challenging circumstances is a testament to the hard work, ability and dedication of our staff and students. We are proud to be one of the leading vocational colleges in the area, providing young people with the knowledge, skills and experience they need to progress to university or launch their career.”

BCoT has been offering advanced technical training in Basingstoke for more than 70 years, and the more practical and coursework-based nature of vocational courses has allowed their students to be able to be continually assessed throughout the year, instead of heavily relying on final exams.

For further information on studying a vocational course at BCoT, and to apply for September 2020, go to bcot.ac.uk.

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