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News article

News article


Find out how and when results for qualifications are likely to be available and other FAQs.

*Last updated on 25/08/2020*

BTEC Results 2020

Following an announcement by Pearson (the awarding body for BTEC), our Level 2 results which were due to be released on 20 August have now been delayed and the Level 3 are undergoing a review.

Following Ofqual’s announcement that A Level and GCSE students are to receive Centre Assessment Grades, Pearson have reviewed the impact on BTEC students and decided to apply the same principles.

We would like to reassure our students that we are doing everything we can to get the grades to you as soon as we receive them from the awarding body and that your grades and university place will not be adversely affected by the delay which is a national issue. It has now been confirmed that all eligible learners will receive their results by Friday 28 August 2020.

We will be in touch with those students directly affected today by email – thank you for your patience.

In the meantime, please use the chat function on our website, or contact our Exams team on: if you have any specific questions or concerns about your results.


GCSE Results 2020

How to get your results

From 9am Thursday 20th August log into your Dashboard ( - you can find the tab on the BCoT website.  Your username is your student number (on your badge)  If you can’t remember your password, please contact our IT department on: 01256 306265 or email: Once you’re logged in – just click on the 'view results' tab.   

How has my grade been decided?

The grade you will get on Thursday 20th August is a centre assessed grade – these are the grades which were sent to the examining boards.  The decision about your GCSE grade was based on the work and assessments you completed this year and has been through a rigorous system of checking and moderating by the college. For more information, please click here

If I don’t agree with my result what do can I do?

If you are returning to BCoT you can re-take your exam in November or in summer 2021.  If you feel you have grounds to appeal, you can request details of how to do this by emailing: For more information, please click here

Can I re-sit at BCoT if I’m not studying there in September?

If you received a GCSE grade through BCoT in August 2020, then yes you can take a Maths or English exam in November, but there is a cost of approximately £100.  If you wish to do this, please contact our exams department to confirm the fees and arrange to take the exam as an external candidate.

Other Qualifications 2020

As you are aware, many learners will be awarded calculated grades for their qualifications this year. The grades which have been sent to exam boards have been put through a standardisation and quality assurance process before they are confirmed back to us. This means that results for different qualifications are issued on different dates. Results for qualifications completed this year will be available on your dashboard. Below are details of when your result is likely to be available.

Qualification Result Available
BTEC L2 Construction and the Built Environment 20 August 2020 - Delayed, please see above
All other BTECs Staged release - as they become available they will be entered on the dashboard
NCFE L2 Business, Travel & Tourism, Sport, Public Services, HSC, Childcare Available from 20 August 2020
NCFE CACHE L3 – HSC, Childcare Staged release from 13 August 2020
UAL L3 Available from 13 August 2020
UAL L2 Available from 20 August 2020
Functional Skills Staged release from July 2020
CPCAB Counselling LV2/3 Week beginning 17/08/2020
CPCAB Counselling LV4 Week beginning 24/08/2020
City & Guilds Phased release/awaiting moderation
IMI Claimed, awaiting moderation
NOCN/CSkills Available from 17 August 2020


If you have completed your qualification, you will receive an email to let you know when your certificate is available. After confirmation of your address, it will be posted to you. If you are returning to College in 20/21, your certificate will be held until your qualification is completed.

Qualification Certificate Available
BTEC except Level 2 Construction & Built Environment Staged release approx. 2 weeks after results
BTEC Level 2 Construction & Built Environment November 2020
NCFE Approx. 2 weeks after results
NCFE/Cache To be confirmed
UAL To be confirmed
GCSEs November 2020
Functional Skills Staged release Approx. 2 weeks after results
CPCAB Counselling Approx. 2 weeks after results

If you have any enquiries or concerns, please do get in touch by message on the webchat or email us at

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Tel: 01256 354141


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