Careers, Progression and Industry Placement

Careers, Progression and Industry Placement

Careers, Progression and Industry Placement

Careers, Progression and Industry Placement

Helping you with progression

We have created a dedicated area to help you with your next steps, including careers, progression and industry placements.


Our dedicated careers adviser can give you impartial career advice and help you explore progression options, whether that be a job, university place or apprenticeship. You can also get support with your CV and develop interview skills.  

  • 1-2-1 Appointments with a Careers Advise
  • Careers Drop-in sessions
  • Support with UCAS applications for university
  • CV writing
  • Opportunities to engage with HE providers, employers and wellbeing professionals through events
  • Motivational guest speakers on mental and physical wellbeing
  • Talks from industry professionals


If you have any questions, please contact Anna Thorpe, Careers & Employability Manager.

Email:          Phone: 01256 306339

We also offer careers drop-in sessions for students on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11.30am to 1pm in the careers room (F019).


Explore your your post-college options. Whether you're pursuing further education, entering the workforce, or unsure, we're here to guide you.

As an apprentice... 

  • You can earn a minimum of £5.28 per hour during the first year of your apprenticeship. If you are 19 years plus and have completed your first year, your wage per hour will increase to the national minimum wage for your age group. 
  • You can gain real-life experience in the industry you want, developing relevant and practical skills on the job. This can make you more employable at the time you finish your apprenticeship.
  • You will receive a mentor to support you throughout your apprenticeship to ensure you are happy with your apprenticeship and have enough time and knowledge to complete your coursework.


Where can I find an apprenticeship?

View the UCAS helpful guide to apprenticeships here.

Want to go straight into your industry after college? We can help with that. 

Explore options and career progression using:


Not sure how to proceed?

We have a designated Careers Adviser, Anna Thorpe, to support your progression into your industry. 

We can support you in our careers drop-in sessions to discuss progression options in the F019,  next to the main reception on the South site on Mondays and Wednesdays 11.30am - 1pm daily.

To arrange another time, email:

As an intern...
  • You can ease the transition from study to work by putting yourself directly into your desired industry.
  • You can develop relevant skills and knowledge in what you want to do and immediately put your newly learned skills into action.
  • Statistics from 2018 show that interns are earning up to £20,000 a year.
  • You can explore other roles in your industry that you may not have originally considered.
  • You can gain networking opportunities that could lead you to the next step in your career.
  • Understand how organisations in the industry operate and problem-solve challenges they face to develop your experience and skills.
  • Give real work examples to use in future job interviews.
  • You will be invited to in-company training courses that can support your development after the internship.
  • You will gain a supervisor who can also be a referee for future job interviews.

Not sure what you want to do next?  See our helpful guide to your next steps here.

Want a break before heading back into education or finding a job? There are different routes you can go if you choose to take a gap year. Take a look at the different websites below to get an idea about what you can do during a gap year.

As a student... 

  • You can gain access to specialist jobs with the university's connections.
  • You can develop transferable skills that you may not be able to learn through another pathway.
  • You become more employable once you graduate as employers are constantly looking for individuals who are skilled to a degree level. 
  • You will develop your independence which can benefit you later on in life - e.g. paying bills and managing money!
  • There are arguably more cultural and social experiences that you can benefit from as you will meet like-minded people and experience a different culture in a new place.
  • You can take advantage of the university's connections, landing you placements, work experience and opens you up to the opportunity of freelancing and creating your own company. 
  • You will gain a qualification at the end of your degree which will support you in becoming an expert in your field.


Here are some helpful links for applying for university:


Interested in finding out more about university?


Industry Placements

Industry placements are a key element of the 16 -18 study programme, to gain experience with a relevant employer in your chosen field. An industry placement provides a great opportunity for you to get a taste of working life and see where your course could take you in the future. It will improve your understanding of your course, and enhance your employability skills including time management, networking and teamwork.

We work with a wide range of local and national employers to make sure you get the best opportunities. As part of your course, you will hear from guest speakers about career opportunities, the latest technologies and how they got into the industry. Our students have heard from and gained industry placements with employers such as Vodafone, Cisco,  Hampshire FA, and Hawk-Eye Innovations (Sony).

Some of our course areas are linked with highly regarded companies and institutes in their industries such as Sandown Mercedes-Benz (Automotive), IMechE – Institute of Mechanical Engineers (Engineering) and Mike Taylor Education (Barbering).


If you have any questions, an Industry Placement Coordinator is available daily in the Learning Hub between 10am and 1pm.


Uni-Connect is a programme being delivered by the Southern Universities Network (SUN) and the project is focused on informing students from certain geographical areas about Higher Education progression options.
The geographic areas are selected because participation in higher education is lower than would be expected given the GCSE results of the area. The students who live in these areas are called Uni-Connect students and they can access one-to-one appointments with the SUN mentor to discuss what higher education options are available to them. This may include; Apprenticeships, HNDs, HNCs, Foundation year and University.
The progression mentor will also look to arrange activities and events for students to take part in to help with making future education decisions. All involvement is voluntary and the progression mentor is here to help!

For further information contact our SUN Progression Mentor, Avril Van der Velde

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Tel: 01256 354141


Basingstoke College of Technology
Worting Road
RG21 8TN

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© 2023 Basingstoke College of Technology, Worting Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 8TN.