Level 2 IMI Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Activities Award
Notify MeLevel 2 IMI Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Activities Award
FIND A COURSELevel 2 IMI Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Activities Award
Notify MeLevel 2 IMI Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Activities Award
The IMI electric/hybrid vehicle qualifications are designed to instruct individuals from the retail automotive industry and the public service sector (for example, members of the emergency services, who may attend an accident involving an electric/hybrid vehicle) in the maintenance, service, and/or handling of electric/hybrid vehicles.
These qualifications have been developed by The IMI in conjunction with electric/hybrid vehicle manufacturers, component suppliers and the IMI Sector Skills Council. They are the first qualifications of their kind to address electric/hybrid vehicle (high voltage) technology. The qualifications are essential to ensure the health and safety of individuals working with electric vehicles.
This award is designed for technicians who maintain and repair electric/hybrid vehicles. It contains the knowledge and skills required to work safely in and around the vehicle's high & low-voltage electrical system and electric drive train system whilst carrying out repairs or maintenance.
On completion of this qualification, technicians will be able to practically demonstrate that they have the skills required for repairing vehicles with low & high-voltage electric technologies.
Completion of this course provides access to the Level 3 Electric/Hybrid Vehicle System Repair & Replacement IMI Award.