Level 3 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Diploma - WBTC (Electrical/Electronic)
Notify MeLevel 3 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Diploma - WBTC (Electrical/Electronic)
FIND A COURSELevel 3 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Diploma - WBTC (Electrical/Electronic)
Notify MeLevel 3 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Diploma - WBTC (Electrical/Electronic)
FIND A COURSECourse Introduction
This course aims to equip new and existing personnel working in the electronics field with the necessary skills required by a technician.
The course provides a good background in technical engineering, it supports underpinning knowledge for NVQs at Level 3 and is a recognised technical certificate for the advanced apprenticeship (Level 3).
The main course topics will be based on the following:
- Business systems for technicians
- Electrical and electronic principles
- Engineering design
- Further electronics
- Electronic measurement and test
- Microelectronics
- Mathematics
- Project
- Communications for technicians
- 'Principles and applications of electronic devices and circuits
After completing this course you should be able to:
- Demonstrate your understanding of basic electrical and electronic principles
- Use a range of electronic laboratory equipment
- Use electronic software packages
- Make accurate measurements of circuit parameters
- Demonstrate fault finding skills on electronic circuits and equipment
- Demonstrate competency in problem solving
- Report clearly and concisely on your electronic work.
GCSEs in English, Maths and a Science subject at grade C or above for recent school leavers.
The following may also be acceptable: BTEC First Certificate or Diploma, certain C&G qualifications, BTEC GNVQ Intermediate.
Continual assessment methods are used. These include assignments and project work .
This course is for WBTC apprentices only and you will require an enrolment code to be able to enrol online.
Course Details
Course Code:
Study Mode:
Part Time
2 Years
Start Date:
September 2025
Day & Time:
Wed 9am to 5pm
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Course: Level 3 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Diploma - WBTC (Electrical/Electronic)